Tuesday, December 22, 2009

PSPro Verify v1.01.89 changes

PSPro Verify has undergone a bunch of minor fixes and some additions. Read the changelog below and findout what is new.

PSPro Verify is still among the best tools there exists for collection management and is extremely versatile and customizable.

As you may know PSProVerify originates from the programming language Perl, which makes a foundation for porting the application to other platforms than Windows.

Among the very slick features is the new Advanced Collection Manager which is able to automatically organize your collection on your harddrives by rules.

Also the support for HDD backup is among one of the great new additions.

  PSPVerify Released.
  Added (00):
  support for the new CSV Repository System (aka Mirror2)
  Changed (01):
  better automated csv upload handling.
  Added (01):
  faster writing of trigger config.
  Added (02):
  Updates from CSV Repositories are always handled. Even if the local csv is considered better. That means a Final CSV can be replaced by a Ongoing
  CSV from the remote Repository. This can be deactivated (in Settings) but it is recommended to leave this setting alone.
  it does only affect the latest changes (the ones that are received after installation of V1.01.02) only the csvs
  that are uploaded from today on are updated. it is not about synchronizing with the very old stuff that was updated years ago
  on the repositories.
  this feature is about beeing able to get a (final) back to (ongoing) - only when someone uploads a csv
  the only problem could be that you reset the "last-updated" counter for the csv repositories - or add a new one (with a new name)
  then you would probably get the last 2000 entries compared
  an turned off 'C' flag (auto update CSVs) in PSPVerify should not update a csv - no matter what the other option is set to.
  Changed (03):
  Min time for checking for updates reduced to '0.1' (that is 6 minutes) - as the update does not waste any bandwith if nothing is new.
  Added (04):
  Blocking Bittorrent Leeches for triggers, selectable from the menu is 0.5 to 7 days. For that time no Bittorrent Leech is started automatically.
  The block can be removed with 'UnBlock' at any time. To be used for bad leeches that are constantly restarted because the tracker reports a
  wrong count of seeds or if the remote csv is found to be bad. Automated compare compares only by size and name of files not crc.
  Added (05):
  Old/Unused entries from the triggers are removed during a triggerupdate.
  Changed (07):
  Major Change of the way PSPVerify writes and reads INI/TRG files, now it runs in sync with mirc read and writes, this can possibly lead to
  blocking calls (freezing up) while mirc locks files (and freezes).. However this new way of handling the writing should ensure that no data is
  lost during asynchron write accesses.
  Fixed (09):
  A Nasty bug causing 'HASH' entries in the Ghostfile is fixed now. All bad entries are removed automatically.
  Added (11):
  'Hide Burned' Button added
  Added (11):
  ACM 2.0 - New ACM Organizer - See the HOWTO at the end of this README.
  Fixed (11):
  Movecollections cleans remaining empty folders up.
  Added (12):
  Torrents to be removed are identified by names in uTorrent (over the WebUI) too! This will remove all torrents with the same name, even if the old
  .torrent file cannot be accessed (any more) - which has lead in the past to double torrents in the client.
  Fixed (13):
  The Options/Settings windows are scrollable.
  Added (14):
  after every Check (not the Readonly) that has 0 missing files, all files are deleted in "removed" folders : _Wrong_crc and _Wrong_size .
  Added (15):
  removed folders : _Wrong_crc and _Wrong_size folders are also deleted when a collections completes (even with read only check)
  Added (17):
  partial PS leeched file status are displayed in the Report.
  Added (19):
  priority and leech block calculation has been adapted to the new Part Leech System of PS
  Added (20):
  Bad_CRC files are moved to the PSTEMP dir and not to the Removed Folder
  Added (20):
  nerocmdoverride setting to specify the nerocmd.exe directly instead of looking for it in the Nero folder.
  example: add the line to PhotoServe\Settings\PSPVerify_Config.ini
  nerocmdoverride=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nero\Lib\NeroCmd.exe
  do this while PSPVerify is not running.
  Added (21):
  the debug window shows information about the nero process when trying to burn
  Added (22):
  the nerocmd is found for Nero8 automatically. However Nero8 seems to have a bug and burn does not YET work. (see the switch 2 'Addeds' later)
  FIX: http://www.nero.com/enu/downloads-sdk.html (its free)
  download the sdk and replace the nerocmd with the nerocmd inside the SDK
  Added (22):
  protectburnedcollectionwith param added. This is hidden because it will freeze PSPVerify for the full rar process totally.
  that's why you should not use it, then you cannot complain. This option will RAR up the full collection folder and put 1GB rar
  files to the DVD instead of the files themselves.
  example: protectburnedcollectionwith=C:\Programme\WinRar\WinRar.exe
  Added (22):
  switch to disable the usage of the param file for burning. instead all params from the param file are put in the command line.
  use this switch to make Nero8 work, but use it at your own risk since the command line size is limited and params can be
  truncated. This risk is high if you burn many small collections with many paths and csv names to be put in the command line,
  burning a DVD sized Collection will work in almost all cases.
  Added (22):
  a new remote command to write Nero Images. Intended use is to write every night a few of the Disc Images to be burnt.
  Usage: I have created a .bat file with 1 command inside:
  echo >P:\Programme\mirc\PhotoServe\Settings\Checker_RC.txt burn DVD\d+ r 2 Z:\Burn_IMAGES
  This will make PSPVerify create 2 Disc images of Ready-TO-Burn collections that are DVDxx triggers (no CDxx)
  If I put this batch file into the task planner to be run at 3am I will find every morning 2 NRG files in Z:\Burn_IMAGES
  and can burn them. This works especialy good with the 'protectburnedcollectionwith' parameter in PSPVerify.
  Note that the Target Path may NOT CONTAIN SPACES.
  Added (23):
  The compression of Collections is calculated and not 'guessed'. Thus eliminates the need to compress the Collection
  and simply store it with maximal recovery records.
  Minor change to display the Versions of NERO on start.
  Fixed (25):
  Bad option `-text' at ....
  Fixed (26):
  Minor problems all around ..
  Added (27):
  2 new config settings - a Trigger can be turned to auto-update (temp or permanent) if the stats value of a collection
  is above a set limit (Settings -> Misc Options -> Default Trigger States)
  Added (28):
  AutoCheck will stop checking (after it finishes the current Collection) if user moves the mouse (IDLE < 100)!
  Added (29):
  Hunting into a leeched Collections causes an interruption of the leech -> requeue -> releech (required PS4.9b34 or above)
  Changed (29):
  Hunt program code rewritten
  Added (30):
  The reports show the absolute numbers of parts as well for partial downloads
  Changed (31):
  reports lists files "unsigned" decimal
  Fixed (35):
  When moving collections and there was not enough space on the target drive the collection would be left turned OFF
  Added (36):
  When creating csvs:
  * problems like double spaces will be correct in the filesystem.
  * there is a switch to correct smaller uglinesses in file paths (like a space in front of a coma)
  * there is a swtich to extract all files in a found zip file before creating the csv (so that the csv contains the
  zip content instead of the zip file. The zip file is extracted and deleted, so dont use this setting if you build csvs with zip files)
  Added (37):
  Primary Support for burn-tool ImgBurn from www.imgburn.com
  ImgBurn is a freeware tool that supports a lot of command line switches and is now used in PSPV.
  Nero should still be working (i hope) . But it is untested .
  Added (37):
  2 new limits in the BurnDialog:
  * you can now limit the amout a disc is filled to prevent it from being offered in the dialog
  (a level of 85% while set to 4480MB will not create any DVD that is not at least filled 85%)
  * you can also limit the total amount of discs that are offered in the dialog
  (if set to 8 and even if you selected 100DVDs to burn, will only create the first 8 (best filled discs))
  The way the automated burn (image create) works now has been changed.
  echo >P:\Programme\mirc\PhotoServe\Settings\Checker_RC.txt burn CD\d+ r 3/9 D:\Burn_IMAGES
  creates 3 discs (of the current setting in the burn dialog) up to a maximum of 9 discs in that folder
  you can mix any CD or DVD or even the Pic-Only and Vid-Only Discs
  the 2 new limits apply also to the auto creating
  Works with Nero again
  http ignore when a server is down
  new Collection Tool "Attach Backup Drive Directory"
  since you can have a backup Harddisk full of collections you would take hours or days to restore them.
  to make it quick you can use this feature to restore your collections in one command.
  this does the following:
  *) search 1 directory you specify for collection folders (all in flat dir structure, this means no group subfolder or anything)
  example: you specify F:\Backup Dir\ -> this will find F:\Backup Dir\SNCD1, F:\Backup Dir\SNCD2, F:\Backup Dir\SNCD3, ...
  *) if the directory name matches EITHER a trigger OR a csvname OR a collection name it will attach the folder to that collection
  ONLY IF the collection has no valid path. this means if the collection is turned off or not, the path of the collection MAY NOT EXIST!!
  *) turn on the collection (if it was turned off)
  *) download the latest CSV ! it does this - if possible - ALWAYS! if it cant find a csv it will be a problem you have to solve
  *) check all freshly attached collections to make sure the count is correct. Since there is no cache this can take a long time.
  added "eject after burn" switch for ImageBurn
  a new option in "Config -> Settings -> Default Trigger States" : "turn on autoupdate when last trigger (of a series) completed"
  this feature checks for SETUP and INCOMPLETE collections, and if there are 0 collection with autoupdate on it will turn on the first found
  trigger. Please not that this does not mean it will turn on the next trigger after the completed (and this is a smart feature).
  Example. Triggers series "abcd" -> you have setup
  abcd1 with 123/123 files autoupdate 0
  abcd2 with 120/120 files autoupdate 1
  abcd3 with 0/12 files autoupdate 0
  abcd4 with 0/13 files autoupdate 0
  abcd5 with 130/130 files autoupdate 1
  abcd6 with 150/150 files autoupdate 1
  abcd7 with 123/124 files autoupdate 0
  this will turn on abcd3 ! because it is the first trigger that is incomplete !
  if abcd3 OR abcd4 OR abcd7 are set to autoupdate nothing would happen.
  since abcd3 is turned on now, nothing happens until the last of all autoupdate triggers (in this case abcd3) is completed.
  automated way to upload samples to csv sites that support this.
  You have to configure your csv_reps.ini file (see your prefered website for details) to have c10 and c9 fields.
  Then select several triggers (that are online and have files) and press CTRL+SHIFT+F8 to start the automated upload process.
  New switch for "turn on autoupdate when last autoupdate trig of series completed" to limit this function to FINAL and REBURN csv
  If both settings "turn on autoupdate when a collection gets a csv that is final/pre-final" and
  turn on autoupdate when last autoupdate trig of series completed are turned on, PSPV will not setup a new csv as
  AUTOUPDATE unless there is another trigger in that collection series already set to AutoUpdate
  OFFLINE collections are skipped in AutoUpdate count for collection series.
  Added (54):
  As a test - you can disable the cache for Creating CSV - lets see if this helps with crc problems that someone is experiencing ;)
  (settings -> Misc Options -> CSV Create Options -> no cache)
  Added (55):
  Statsbot values are now interpreted as per byte values. The value will change when a new csv comes in. The value shown is for the csvsize
  so it will not change when you leech. Also the sort by value will sort on the per byte basis, because otherwise a low valued DVD will always be in
  front of a low valued CD even if the DVD is much more worthless.
  Fixed (56):
  A very nasty bug, where the crc calculation for creating csv was completly destroyed. (Introduced in .54)
  Fixed (56):
  bug disabling the Sort by Value Function .. sorry this took so long to find. Do "Stats Refresh" to get rid of the insane values.
  Added (56):
  new switch to disable the per byte basis for the statsvalues. All collection are assumed a fixed size (that means the values are much higher for CD collections, but
  on a value per bytes (on the disc) basis it is more correct)
  Added (58):
  AutoHD Backup can be limited to collections with final csvs.
  Added (59):
  Extra Info is now added when getting a csv from a channel.
  Added (60):
  A little ASCII Graph in the report, if Transfer Stats are Available.
  Fixed (61):
  Bug that showed random stats for triggers in reports
  Fixed (62):
  Small bug that caused the hostbase to be not properly detected for http requests
  Added (63):
  Another cool feature when creating self-maintained csvs. Selecting "Align Files" from the "self-maintained" Menu will do this:
  *) check the size of the selected Trigger files (in the collection folder)
  *) move oversized files (sorted by alphanum, so use date-styled dirs) to the next trigger
  *) create a new dir for the next slot (the slot has exists)
  *) set the full slot to Pre-Final
  *) start a csv-create process for all "touched" slots
  Fixed (64):
  Bug with Align Files where the sorting of the dirs did not work
  Added (65):
  Menu item for 'Self-Maintained' to quickly change the state of a CSV (Rename CSV) without any further activity.
  Fixed (66):
  Reports dont show empty transfer statistics.
  Added (67):
  Added a few more Windows-Ways-To-Find-Applications-For-Typeextentions ! Good work to have an Operating System have ~30 different methods !!
  Fixed (67):
  ACM Bug when selecting target drives space rules
  Fixed (67):
  Download of Stats from 'strange' urls
  Improved internal search algorithm in Trigger Files => Better performance for all Operations
  Fixed (69):
  Fixed a minor bug in the 'Align Files' function
  Added (70):
  Added an ignore file pattern field for files inside archives. Files in Archives matching will not count and
  archives with only these pattern will get deleted. <10k are deleted directly others are deleted to Recycle bin (if enabled in PSPV)
  a good pattern is '(\.txt|thumbs?\.db)$' which will ignore all '*.txt, thumb.db and thumbs.db' files ;-)
  Added (71):
  Added 'Correct Changed Drive Letters' in Menu 'Collection Tools' :
  the commands checks ALL online collections for existing report, csvfile and the collection path.
  If one item is missing it looks on all existing drives if the path/file exists there and
  changes the setting if a positive test is done.
  This is very useful when a drive letter is changed, since all paths are just the same but only
  the drive letter is different.
  Fixed (72):
  A bug where the Align Files function does not work if there is only 1 further trigger, which was ignored.
  Added (73):
  FTP Upload works now where available
  Added (74):
  Support for Torrents to be redownloaded from the tracker after upload, if the Tracker added some extra config.
  Added (75):
  The files for created torrents are now sorted by date! This will help to create a new torrent with all files in the same
  order as any previously created torrent would have been sorted. Which will give a new torrent that can be 100% from the
  previous torrent. Unless the dates are wrong...?
  (This will however not help when a older file is replaced,
  and because you can never know which file might be replaced in the future this can never be done.)
  Added (76):
  PSPV supports Autoconfig from BT Trackers (there is a button in Settings -> Bittorrent -> Autoconfig
  FTP Upload has now a timeout of 60seconds
  Added (79):
  When checking a BT Leech Locked collection to find out if its complete, PSPVerify will resize all files that are too large and check the crc again.
  This is a workaround of a bug in uTorrent where uTorrent creates a few extra bytes sometimes.
  Many tweaks of values
  Added (80):
  New option for burning UDF in Burn Dialog for ImgBurn.
  Added (81):
  CSV and CSV path are split to two columns.
  Added (81):
  Added two new export menu entries. You can now export the viewport content (that is everything displayed)
  to the clipboard. You can export all displayed lines or just the selected lines.
  The entries in a line are separated by TABs and the Lines are separated by newlines.
  This content can be pasted to any known Table Calculation Tool.
  Added (81):
  A second parameter can be supplied when starting PSPV (where the first is Mirc-Dir, which is the base dir)
  the second param will override the Triggers Location Path. This allows to run a second instance of PSPVerify
  in a different location, while it still uses the same Trigger config as the other instance. Since PSPVerify
  uses a file-lock technique it is safe to change settings in multiple instances and the files will not be harmed.
  This is usefull to run some jobs like burning Discs in 1 extra PSPVerify instance while the other one
  keeps running unblocked.
  NOTE: some settings are stored in the ghostfile and those are unique to each running instance.
  NOTE: you can't use this to run several leeches in multiple Networks in PhotoServe
  EXAMPLE: run 2 PSPVs (1 will use all defaults in C:\Mirc, while the other 1 will use its own path and
  the same triggers)
  > PSPVerify.exe C:\Mirc
  > PSPVerify.exe C:\Another-Mirc C:\Mirc\Photoserve\Triggers
  Added (82):
  when using utorrent there is no longer a read-only check to find out if a BT leech is complete. Instead the
  WebUI interface is queried, and only if seeding is returned for the torrent, the read-only check is performed.
  Fixed (83):
  0 bytes files are no longer included in the torrent.
  Fixed (84):
  no archives are deleted when they are larger than 10k (as password protected archives are falsly detected as empty)
  Added (84):
  Added an option to clean up the "removed" Files folder, you can set how often to check and how old the files have to be
  Added (85):
  you can create your own entries in the Collection Tools -> Tools Urls Menu .
  adding a line to the [config] section of the PSPVerify_Config.ini will add an entry to the menu, the format is
  The appears nowhere but has to be unique. is shown in the menu, and is
  the url to be opened in your browser.
  Example (put the line below into your PSPVerify_Config.ini, somewhere into the [config] section.)
  toolurl.pspv=http://pspv.dyndns.org/,The PSPVerify Homepage
  !! NOTE : you may only edit the PSPVerify_Config.ini while PSPVerify is NOT RUNNING !!
  NOTE: Currently supported modes are (you can "OR" them):
  0 = leave the url alone like it is
  1 = add incomplete triggers to the url (in this format: trig=trigger1,trigger2,trigger3
  2 = add incomplete series to the url (in this format: series=series1,series2,series3)
  4 = add setup series to the url (in this format: series=series1,series2,series3)
  Added (86):
  the crc32 calculation is now "thread safe" - maybe this fixes all crc problems people had in the past
  Added (87):
  the AutoCheck (if enabled) does additionaly a quick "count of files" every 10 days for all
  online and complete collections. a count of files takes a few seconds and it will basically just
  check if the dir is missing any files.
  this check is only done when you are idle and it will stop when you move your mouse.. dont worry! DO NOT FREAK!
  Added (87):
  When PSPV is interrupted during moving a collection it will resume the move the next time it starts.
  Added (87):
  Copy Collection has a switch to copy the csv. The target is the same location as the csv is, just on the Backup Drive.
  Added (88):
  PSPV AutoCheck checks online collections with a FAIL (or other) status. Because only offline collection should have a status of OFF
  everything else is some kind of "problem" and should be checked.
  Added (88):
  new switch in Settings : "Protect with WinRar" (needs a restart).
  If it works PSPVerify will display a log entry during startup: "All collections will be compressed before burn with ..."
  Burned collections can be protected with WinRar (which has to be installed). Instead of burning the
  collection folder PSPVerify will create a rar with as many recovery records that fit on the CD/DVD. A recovery record can
  be used when a block on the CD/DVD becomes inaccessable. That way you can fully restore a collection from a CD/DVD
  even if you cannot read some of the data on that disc. (To recover a broken rar file you have to select "REPAIR RAR"
  in WINRAR Application. It will "repair" the rar to a new location and you can extract all files from the restored rar
  or you can reburn the restored rar to another DISC)
  Added (88):
  Some new reports details
  Added (88):
  Added "Hide Incomplete" Quickfilter Button
  Import Settings

1 comment:

  1. Any pointers as to where we might pick up this program? It doesn't show up in google so a pointer would be appreciated.
