Saturday, November 14, 2009

CSV (Final) - stages of evolution

This is a followup to the article "CSV files - an introduction"

CSV files or ecsv files to be specific follow specific steps of evolution. These steps are to complete the csv file so that it ultimately holds a number of files which consume the maximum amount of space on a storing media as a CD or DVD etc. Furthermore the stages have the goal of keeping some kind of chronological order.

The stages are set by the csv maintainer, more about that role in another article. The maintainer starts off by having an ongoing csv. Sometimes this is explicitly  shown when a part of the file name being (ongoing). Most often there is no explicit naming convention to an ongoing csv. This is the case with ongoing csvs from TVG (The Vixen Grimoire) and the former ET (El-Toro).

When the maintainer has collected enough files to fill a CD or DVD then the maintainer sets the csv to the stage (Pre-Final). This is to signal people using the ongoing csv that it is almost complete and they should expect that a new ongoing csv will soon emerge. According to community rules the maintainer must keep the csv as Pre-Final for a short while to allow other to check the csv and report errors. If there is an error in the csv, ie. wrong set or wrong naming or missing sets then then maintainer will fix the problem (hopefully) and create a new (Pre-Final-1) csv. This can go on for a long time, but it is seldom seen that Pre-Final's go beyond (Pre-Final-4). Once a csv reaches the Pre-Final stage it will NEVER go back as ongoing. This is breaking the rules, and big no-no.

If the maintainer has not had any reports of errors in the csv and feels that the csv is ready to be burned to a CD or DVD then the maitainer will start the next stage, which is (Final). The (Final) means that it is now safe to burn the contents of the csv to a DVD and the user should not expect any further changes to the csv. If the world was perfect then nothing more happends. Everyone using the csv, burn it to CD or DVD and is able to clear up some space on those HDD's.

But this is not always the case. Sometimes the maintainer is too fast to go from (Pre-Final) to (Final), sometimes people notice errors too late. This is where things get fuzzy, so sharpen your senses. If the change to the (Final) csv is structural only, ie. new layout or new naming or some corrupt picture was removed for good then the maintainer can issue a (Re-Burn). A (Re-Burn) means that the contents of the previous csv is just to be burned to a new CD or DVD. People having the previous version has not lost anything. (Re-Burn)'s can also go into stages like (Re-Burn-1) and so forth.

If the change after the (Final) stage is of non structural nature, then maintainer has to issue a (Final-1) and provided there are more changes later it goes to (Final-2) etc. It is seldom seen that anything go beyond (Final-4).

In rare cases the maintainer will choose to use (Re-Burn) as a final exit for the csv if it has reached (Final-4), because it is flat out embarrassing that the maintainer cannot manage make a proper. This last exit is seen, but it is not the way to do it.

There is no stage beyond Re-Burn-10. Pre-Finals never become ongoing. Final's never go back to Pre-Final stages and Re-Burn's never go back to Final's.

It is a common misunderstanding that the use of Final-1, Final-2 etc is whenever the website in question revamps or redesigns itself. This is NOT the purpose of the Final stages. If a website redesigns and introduces all new resolutions of old contents HD images and HD movies then the new revamped site will most likely get a csv set entirely. See with CrushPhoto and CrushPhoto-New as example.

1 comment:

  1. I found the Vixen Guild site. I would like to get access to the CSVs they have on file. How would I go about getting access to the site? From what I read I see that a new user needs an invite code.
